
Check Out the New Foam Roller Guide from OrthoCarolina

and why you should care

By SCMK November 28, 2016

This is a great time of year to run in the QC! With the cooler weather, beautiful leaves and some great road races this is a great time to hit the streets! With the running sometimes comes sore muscles, a foam roller is a great way to ease the pain (I even have my kids use ours after practice) If you are not familiar with a foam roller, it is that long Styrofoam looking thing you see in your local sports stores. A foam roller is a great way to sooth sore muscles and to stretch muscles you may not be able to get relief from doing traditional stretching. OrthoCarolina as developed a downloadable foam rolling guide for runners, the 4 exercises shown are a great way to get started. In addition to the exercises, there are some great tips on using your roller and the benefits of using your roller.

You can see the Foam Roller Guide at this link and download it at this link