
Your Ultimate Guide to Thanksgivukkah

What You Need to Know~

By SCMK November 24, 2013
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that this week marks a very special and once in a lifetime holiday for those of us who celebrate Hanukkah and Thanksgiving. This year, the first day of Hanukkah collides into a crazy, delicious and somewhat awkward holiday of Thanksgivukkah. Crazy because we will not see this again in our lifetime, really, Hanukkah and Thanksgiving will not meet again for 80,000 years. Delicious, really challah stuffing, cranberry applesauce, it goes on and on. Awkward, how do you combine the two and should we feel bad for our non-Jewish friends who won't be serving latkes and playing dreidel while watching football. We have pulled together a round up of the best of Thanksgivukkah around the web! Jewish or not, Thanksgivukkah celebrates two different groups of people (Pilgrims and Maccabees) who both fought against religious persecution and that's something we can all get behind (oh and sweet potato latkes with marshmallows on top rocks pretty hard also!) 

What exactly is Thanksvigukkah? Check out this inforgraphic for all the answers! 

What Thanksgivukkah merchandise? Find tons of links here

Send an awesome e-card to celebrate! 

Want to snag a Menurkey before the big day? 

Ideas for crafts to do with the kids check out these sites

What are you going to make? Here are links to some great sites!

Check out these halirious videos on You Tube celebrating Thanksgivukkah 

Ballad of Thanksgivukkah 

Thanksgivukkah from Dish Nation 
