
Umi Shoes

Great Style and Good for Little Feet

By SCMK December 7, 2011

I love shoes, and when I had a little girl I was thrilled to have a shoe shopping buddy. My daughter has become a shoe love herself and has developed an opinion about what she wears! The struggle I have is finding shoes that are super cute and still supportive for her growing feet. I was sent a pair of boots (see the picture above) from Umi to try out with her. She loves boots and has worn the one pair of boots she has to the ground.


I when the boots arrived, the first thing I noticed was the amazing and supportive sole. I often worry about sending her to school in anything but tennis shoes but with the sole on these boots I felt good letting her go in them.

The boots zip up the back so she is not able to get them on by herself (she's 3 1/2) which is really the only downside for me. With 3 kids I like everyone to be able to get ready to go without my help.

Now that we have had the boots for several weeks, she has worn them nonstop. Umi has a full line of shoes for babies, boys and girls. The shoes for the boys are also super cute. As a mom of boys also, I know that they live in tennis shoes but sometimes I need them in something a little nicer. Umi styles for boys are hip and stylish. They have the same solid sole of shoes that the boots I was sent have. The shoes are so cool, your boy will be happy to slip them on! Umi has a clearance sale going on now and they are giving away a $60 gift card every day for 10 days to introduce the new spring line! You can check out the contest here.


I was provided with a pair of boots to facilitate this review. I was not compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own.