
EOGS, EXAMS and Graduation Prep~6 Ways to Reduce Stress and Connect

By Lynn Myrick May 22, 2019

It is so important during this time of wrapping up the school year, to consider some stress reducing practices for you and for your kiddos. It’s a daily discussion in our house around how many tests, quizzes, hours of homework, sports, friends, sleep overs…I definitely know the drill.

  I have a graduating Senior and a rising HS Freshman, so I have been through all the phases of schooling for at least one of my children, from Kindergarten through HS Graduation.  I would like to share some creative tools I’ve learned along the way, that will hopefully help you- no matter where you are on your journey.   I don’t know about you Mommas, but OMG somethings gotta give! The culmination of the school year ending and rolling into summer can sometimes be a Super Stressed out S&%# Show!!

First of all… 

JUST BREATHE….  As a life and executive coach, I am always learning techniques to take my life and my clients lives to another level!!

Here are 6 Super effective tools you can implement in your home right away.

#1  Is there music in your routine? Putting on music in the morning in the kitchen while we are having breakfast and getting lunches ready puts everyone in a better mood- Even my Hubby! You can simply play it from your phone, (I use an app called Musi) or you can play it from your SmartTV or choose one of the music channels on your cable guide. I go back and forth from spa-like soothing music, to pop, to straight jazz or classical.  You choose what best fits your taste, and your family, but it is sure to raise the mood!

#2  The 20 sec HUG- Did you know that science has proven that a hug that lasts at least 20 seconds releases oxytocin in the body, the neurotransmitter that creates bonding and decreases stress. Everyone has 20 seconds to spare a hug in the morning, right?

#3  Fuel your brain and theirs – Think ahead and plan out a week of healthy EASY breakfasts to fuel the body and the mind.

#4  Breathing exercises – Box breathing is a great way for you to manage your stress, and it is a fun, easy and super effective way to teach your kids & teens the power of the breath. To do this specific breathing technique you breathe in for a count of 4 hold it for a count of 4, then release the breath slowly for a count of 4 and then hold for 4 seconds before inhaling the next breath.  Repeat this cycle for at least 3 rounds.

#5  Positive self-talk – Teach your kids the power of positive affirmations!  I bought these cards online and everyday I flip over another one and leave it on the counter top for everyone in the family to pass by and read.

#6  Rose & Thorne - At the end of the day- either at the dinner table, in the car ride between practices, or right before bed, we would do an exercise called “Rose and Thorne”.  You simply ask your family what was 1 great thing that happened in their day (Rose) and one not so great thing that happened (Thorne) This is a great way to reflect on the day and for both you and your family to have an opportunity to connect and relate to one another on a deeper level.  We are constantly battling all the technology in our lives, and this exercise will almost always open up deeper conversations 

Thinking of you all as you journey into these last weeks of school and then into the bliss of summertime fun! 

Lynn Myrick