
5 Tips to Help Kids Overcome a Fear of the Dentist

It's Pediatric Dental Awareness Month and Little Teeth are a Big Deal

By Dr. Bevin Malley, DDS, Carolina Kids Dentistry February 14, 2021

My kids oddly love going to the dentist. We started them both around 1 year, mostly because they got their teeth really early. Each of my boys had 16 of their 20 baby teeth by the time they were 13 months old! That said, we know that sometimes, visiting the dentist can be scary for kiddos - and let's be real: there are adults who still don't like it! 

February is  Pediatric Dental Health month and to make sure that your kids are set up for a lifetime of gorgeous, healthy teeth, our friends at Carolina Kids Dentistry have shared some tips to make your visits to the dentist easier and less stressful. Carolina Kids Dentistry offers free Infant Oral Health exams to children 14 months of age and younger and with a brand new Waxhaw location, there's no reason to wait!


The earlier the better!! The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that a child go the dentist by age 1, or within six months after the first tooth erupts. Baby teeth usually begin growing in around 6 months of age.


Talk to you child about visiting the dentist, but limit the amount of information you give them. Avoid the words "hurt", "shot", "pain", "yank" or "drill". Try using words that aren't so scary like, "strong", "healthy teeth", "wiggle", "sleepy" instead.


 It's perfectly normal for a child to cry, whine, and wiggle while having their teeth looked at by someone they don't know. Try and keep your cool and let our dental team help you help your child. We may ask you to come and hold hands with your child which may offer them some comfort.


Please tell your child that you're proud of them for coming to the dentist, even if they cried, whined, or yelled. We will also tell them they did a great job and we appreciate that they came to visit us. We want them to look forward to coming to their next appointment.


Let your child know that coming to the dentist is a necessity and not a choice. Their smiles are beautiful and the only way to keep them shiny and bright is to visit their dentist. Brush and floss at home in the morning and before bedtime, and if it helps, let your child complete a brushing chart to see how great they're doing!