
When in Doubt, Add Water

Ideas to calm the crankiest of kiddos

By Autism 360 June 3, 2022

Make waves this summer! Water play can be added to activities – both educational and purely recreational. These activities all have opportunities for your child to add in some responsibility and practice preparing and cleaning up their activities. Here are some water-based suggestions you and your child can engage in together to break up those hot summer days! Try this outside:

  • Color Laboratory
    • What do you need? Water, food coloring, and clear cups Make sure your kids are wearing play clothes, as this could get messy!
    • Mix in glitter, water beads, seashells, or even mini erasers to provide some sensory fun
    • Upcycle a plastic water bottle to make your own sensory bottle
  • Water Balloon Fun
    • Careful concentration is a part of filling up the water balloons and preparing your arsenal! Have your child assist with the preparation
    • Let loose! See who can stay the driest by dodging the exploding water balloons
    • Let cleaning up the broken water balloons be the skill you practice with your child for the day
  • Bath Time for Toys
    • This is a great opportunity to teach your son or daughter a lesson on caring for their items. Taking care of your things by keeping them clean reduces the spread of germs and who doesn’t love a big bubble party? Sanitizing toys is a normal part of your cleaning routine. Here’s a chance to have your children take responsibility for part of your daily to-do list! 
    • Fill a big bin up with lots of water and lots of SUDS! 
    • Work doesn’t seem like work when it’s fun, right? 
  • Spray the numbers
    • Using some paper and a spray bottle! Let’s work on number recognition! Tape some numbers on a piece of construction paper to a fence, or even just lay them down on the grass on concrete. Next up, start calling out the numbers and let your kiddo spray away
    • If you don’t want to waste paper or have a spray bottle handy, the same activity can be achieved with sidewalk chalk and a hose! 

While there are a few fun activities to do with your children this summer. Water play is not only a fun way to get out some extra energy, it’s a chance to build memories with your little ones and have some fun while practicing responsibility. Now get to splashing!

About Autism 360: The mission is to enhance autism treatment, education, and hope for all children through our wrap-around-care model. Our goal is to prepare children with autism to excel in school, community, and home-based settings. At Autism 360 each child and family will have the tools and support they need to reach their fullest potential. For more information visit their website or call (704) 529-9090